
Gas prices? Not within my sphere of knowledge...

Gas prices hit $1.135/litre early this week. Am I annoyed? Of course, my car isn't the most fuel-efficient vehicle on the road. But am I concerned? No. Am I going to complain about it? No. Why? Because I don't have a clue how the gas and fuel economy works.

This is a perfect example of something that is far beyond my knowledge or expertise, and I'd be a fool to start talking about it as if I knew more than I did. Most people like to bring it up and talk about how so-and-so shouldn't have brought in such-and-such bill or that the war in wherever-it-is-now is causing conflict in some-foreign-country.

But why bother? Unless one of us is in the industry or has done any research at all (let alone adequately extensive research) we really can't comment. All we can do is sigh and hope that someone is trying their best to make things better for all the other people.

People have a tendency to confuse discussion with action. Telling the gas attendant how terrible prices are isn't going to change anything (and I'm sure he's already heard the same thing several times earlier that day). If you actually care enough to change things, you have to put in the effort, do some research, talk to some people who are experienced in this field, and then find some way to make your point effective and legitimate.

This applies to pretty much any field. Are computers too unreliable? Do we disagree with the government's latest budget? Don't ask me. Er, actually you can ask me about computers, because I *am* experienced in that field...

Case in point. Come to me about computers, go to Texas to research the gas industry.


DJK said...

To me, the gas price really doesn't matter. I mean, yes it can be annoying that they raise and lower it all the time, but you have to get around don't you? If people don't like the gas price, then stop driving. get out of your cars and take the freakin bus. Besides, where I will be living, it is like 10 cents cheaper, which makes me a little happier....and it only costs under $50 bucks to fill my tank, and it lasts me 2 weeks, so I am fine with it.

Unknown said...


Have you ever heard of the Appeal to Authority logical fallacy? You just commited it. Sure, I may not know everything, but I know something. And that something that I know still retains the same true/false properties regardless of who it is that speaks it. A statement is true or false independant of the speaker. Sorry to bust you on this.

I could see you arguing that we shouldn't be talking about the high price of gas because:

A) It's your problem, not the governments.

B) Nobody wants to hear you complain about you being powerless.

Haven Bartton said...

I think the point is that the vast majority of people who whine about something do it for completely uninformed reason.

"Sorry to bust you on this."

Heh... funny, could have sworn blogs were about opinions. Actually, now that I think about it they are usually more like emotional rants solely for the sake of the author's sanity.

Simply put, why are you posting here? It's a blog, you won't change anyone's mind. But if you're respectful and inquisitive instead of trying to look smart by "busting" people, you might just find out why people have the opinion they do.